
Posts Tagged ‘redundant’

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Sure been a long time between posts here.  Living life in a blur than BAM!!  Made redundant without warning and now wondering what I will do from day to day to keep sane. 20 years of devoted service and experience.  Where did that get me, giving plenty and taking nothing.  New management, cost cutting, and having no idea what I actually did but calls that my job is no longer required to be done by anyone.  What a lot of rot!! Totally not legal redundancy, but to fight you have to have money.  Hmm something I don’t have much of.

Looking on the bright side, I am free.  Denied taking leave for a few years as they needed things done month to month.  Now it’s time I did something for me.. yay.

Been thinking of what I can do and photography has come to mind as I would like to go overseas at least once in my life, so I need to buy a camera. Been looking and researching so I need to make a move.  Maybe today. This could be the start of something worthwhile for me.  Looking to make a new start for 2015.

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