
Archive for the ‘Wegener’s’ Category

Woke to a fine sunny morning, then realized it was Thursday!!  Shoot the cleaner was coming today (once a fortnight a cleaner comes and does the basics and whatever she can fit in two hours)  Not allowed to touch the boy’s rooms though or do any washing, as they are responsible for that seeing that neither of them contribute by paying any money.  They say they keep some of their stuff here and don’t actually live here or stay here that often to warrant paying board. lol  a bit of power and some water.  Well that’s their story and they have stuck to it.

Picked up Son2 and took him to the prearranged appointment with his doctor, well when we got there he refused to get out of the car saying he had a massive headache.  I noted the light was affecting him and he laid the seat back with no intention of going in.  He said he was sick and tired of the same old thing, nothing anyone can do for him.  Too much drama explaining anything to doctors.  He just wanted to lay down and hope it passes.  I had gone to great lengths to get this appointment to see his GP, so I went in.  The doctor actually came out to the car and gave him a script for some strong antidepressants, that was the original idea of going to the GP’s, but of course things changed today. As usual.  Dropped him back at a friends place then went to work.  Lost a couple of hours, but always manage to work more hours each week then actually paid for! Having a job that at least pays is something to hang onto these days.

Mid-afternoon came and beeping “message tones” from my mobile.  I knew it would be Son2, tells me he got dropped out to the house and is spewing fluro green bile into the toilet, massive headache.  We have been down this path so many times.  It’s a vicious circle.  Kidney failure pushes his blood pressure up, starts headaches, and his body goes into rejection mode.  He needs to drink fluids but his stomach rejects everything and more.  I text him back and ask if there is anything he wants me to get him or do.  His reply “watermelon”.

So, as a mother does, I went to the shops on my way home from work and got some. When I drove up the street I saw the house in darkness, my heart dropped into my stomach, but then I thought he probably went to sleep.  Which is a good thing.  But he was nowhere to be found.  The worst crossed my mind, but not there.  So I rang him, thank God he answered.  He was at a friend’s place having something to eat.  Managed so far to keep it down, and also the fist-full of nurofen had eased the headache.  So things were acceptable again. Later he returned and we spent time together with him teaching me how to play poker on Facebook 🙂  He spends hours daily playing and is quite good at it.  Even plays in local tournaments some nights during the week.  By this time of night my brain is fried lol  Well that’s my excuse.  I did enjoy our time together.

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Hope everyone is doing OK these days.  Seems most people are on holidays 🙂  I give thoughts to those who aren’t as the year comes to an end many still have to work to provide for their families and pay for life’s existence. Holiday time gainfully employs many, just take the time and think. All that extra shopping and that trip to wherever you go, It is providing employment. Yes I know it sounds weird, but not all can afford holidays. I am currently working, but I do get the public holidays off. I dream that one day I will be in a position to have a break.  Hey, maybe next year.  Not that far away now. A whole new decade will be upon us.  I am not even daring to think what is install.  No new years resolutions, as in one form or another it will only inspire disappointment.

On a good note Christmas was awesome!  Had a great time with the company of both my sons for half a day and a night.  Far more than I could have hoped for.  Mind you two days after Christmas something weird happened to Son2, his arm swelled up for no apparent reason but doctors weren’t alarmed, just an infection and put a cannula in his other arm and gave him doses of antibiotics intravenously every 12 hours.  Shame that he wasn’t allowed to work though as he only get 16 hours a week and his biggest shift is 6 hours and they sent him home as they wouldn’t let him work. He was very disappointed as it was bandaged safely and he could still work as he feels ok, just a swollen arm. His employers really don’t know, but to him that is nothing in his life as to what goes on internally.  Just that they could physically see something as he had a bandage on. It was a blow to his self-confidence and his pocket. He asked the doctor about it last night and the doctor took it out and now he is just on tablets, but if it starts to swell again to come back as heavy antibiotics might be required to fix the problem.  Having no autoimmune system plays havoc with this sort of problem.

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