
Archive for April, 2010

Slept in a little this morning, but knowing I had so much to do today just to keep on top of things around here, that’s probably why I got up early.  Still had to wait until it was later so I could mow, as I didn’t want to wake the neighbours.  Had all dramas starting the mower.  Went to basics, fuel, spark.  Too me awhile, but not exactly sure why it wouldn’t start but finally I got it chuffing away so I took off mowing.  All the time thinking about the next job.  About 4 hours with a couple of refuels and a drink inbetween got it all done.  Then do I weed-eat or use the water pressure cleaner to clean the concrete?  Opted for the latter due to I could start in the shade.  Very hot again today, or maybe it was just because I felt it more as I was out in it.  Running out of light again, I did as much as I could.  Looks great, certainly got satisfaction out of doing as much as I have.  Still more to go, and I hope to get some of that done after work during the week.

Hit the shower and was looking forward to putting my feet up.  I remember turning the TV on, but next thing Son1 woke me and sent me to bed.  Starting to make that sleep in front of the TV a habit, and I am not sure I like it.  But went to bed then couldn’t sleep.  Too tired to play poker on Facebook though.

Tomorrow is back to paid work day.  What happened to the weekend?

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What can I say, it’s Saturday

Saturday’s are for sleep ins, right?  Managed to get to 8am, and woken by the phone.  Thought it was work at first, bit blurry eyed, but it was Son2 looking for a ride home.  So off into town, even before coffee.  Now that was scary.  But did a quick round trip, then got into some of those chores I had set myself.   Didn’t get far other than hang out the washing, and have one or two cups of coffee, then off to watch Son1 play football.  Home game, so I try to get there if possible and surprisingly Son2 came as well.  It was really hot, both for players and spectators.  Very muggy like building for a storm.  We got home and Son2 friend turned up just behind us.  He was off to another friends birthday part.  Something different, a vodka slurpy party.  He dosen’t lke vodka so knew he would behave himself.  I had arranged to pick him up after the party.  Thinking of course it would be before midnight, but 1:30am, and two others to drop off on the way.  No problems, saves a cab fare which costs a fortune.  Now hopefully I can get some sleep.

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Alarms – necessary evil

That darn alarm!! Feet it the floor running again.  Another day at the office.  Confronted by the usual unusual news.  Everyone wants a piece of me to do something.  Being a Friday all I wanted to do was catch up on a bit, but, all the outside of the box things happen.  I blinked and it was 2pm, then came the struggle for the 3 hours.  Not really wanting to start something I couldn’t finish before the weekend.  Morning pressure was off and I felt tired.  Wonder why?? lol

Finally got home with big plans on the home front.  Son1 was fixing his car, something had broken and he got the part and Son2 was helping him.  Shock horror, the two of them actually being civil to each other.  Sure made a change.  Well it was a two man job, so I could see the merits in it.  I had intended to jump on the ride on mower to get an hour in before dark, like a jump on tomorrow, but the sky was darkening quickly and Son1’s car was in the way of getting the mower out of the shed.  Opted to do the washing instead.  Had to drop Son2 in town as he was playing poker with some friends, but stayed there the night.  Saved the midnight hour pickup, so by the time I came home tiredness was kicking in.  Shower and fell asleep in front of the TV.  Something that is not uncommon to me lately.

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Woke to a fine sunny morning, then realized it was Thursday!!  Shoot the cleaner was coming today (once a fortnight a cleaner comes and does the basics and whatever she can fit in two hours)  Not allowed to touch the boy’s rooms though or do any washing, as they are responsible for that seeing that neither of them contribute by paying any money.  They say they keep some of their stuff here and don’t actually live here or stay here that often to warrant paying board. lol  a bit of power and some water.  Well that’s their story and they have stuck to it.

Picked up Son2 and took him to the prearranged appointment with his doctor, well when we got there he refused to get out of the car saying he had a massive headache.  I noted the light was affecting him and he laid the seat back with no intention of going in.  He said he was sick and tired of the same old thing, nothing anyone can do for him.  Too much drama explaining anything to doctors.  He just wanted to lay down and hope it passes.  I had gone to great lengths to get this appointment to see his GP, so I went in.  The doctor actually came out to the car and gave him a script for some strong antidepressants, that was the original idea of going to the GP’s, but of course things changed today. As usual.  Dropped him back at a friends place then went to work.  Lost a couple of hours, but always manage to work more hours each week then actually paid for! Having a job that at least pays is something to hang onto these days.

Mid-afternoon came and beeping “message tones” from my mobile.  I knew it would be Son2, tells me he got dropped out to the house and is spewing fluro green bile into the toilet, massive headache.  We have been down this path so many times.  It’s a vicious circle.  Kidney failure pushes his blood pressure up, starts headaches, and his body goes into rejection mode.  He needs to drink fluids but his stomach rejects everything and more.  I text him back and ask if there is anything he wants me to get him or do.  His reply “watermelon”.

So, as a mother does, I went to the shops on my way home from work and got some. When I drove up the street I saw the house in darkness, my heart dropped into my stomach, but then I thought he probably went to sleep.  Which is a good thing.  But he was nowhere to be found.  The worst crossed my mind, but not there.  So I rang him, thank God he answered.  He was at a friend’s place having something to eat.  Managed so far to keep it down, and also the fist-full of nurofen had eased the headache.  So things were acceptable again. Later he returned and we spent time together with him teaching me how to play poker on Facebook 🙂  He spends hours daily playing and is quite good at it.  Even plays in local tournaments some nights during the week.  By this time of night my brain is fried lol  Well that’s my excuse.  I did enjoy our time together.

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Aimlessly blurring from one day to next, somehow need to be addressed I know, but how?  Not sure yet, but working on it.
Back to keeping my daily record is a good start.  I have tried this many times before, but feel now more than ever I can do it. Here goes.
Currently I am like “squatting” in a house for free rent. (is owned by hubby)  Well I am contributing plenty really, maintaining the property, 2.5 acres of mowing, weed-eating, poisoning and keeping gardens in check, PLUS paying the electricity, telephone, insurance. I’m not complaining, as I really have nowhere else to go in my current status, plus I am getting the place, or supposed to be, ready for sale in October this year.  I have started going through what seems a lifetime of accumulated “stuff”. I am reluctant to call it “junk”, but realistically – most of it is.
Over the Easter weekend I got serious and did all the mowing, then on another day took to my wardrobe and seriously attacked clothes that I have never worn in the last 10-15 years, then also took out clothes that no longer fit me. Gives me an idea now of what I do need with winter coming.  Plus it will be easier to move when the time comes.  They were donated to the St. Vinnie bin, no particular reason just it was the nearest one I could think of when in town. But at last I have made a start.

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